Shares weather data by radio: the WMS weather station eco records brightness, dusk/dawn, and wind speed and forwards weather data to the receivers.
The weather station gets its energy from a solar cell and stores it in integrated batteries.
Wide operating range and functional safety: the mesh network passes commands on from receiver to receiver – even to sun shading products further afield. The transmitter receives feedback on the executed function.
- Retrofitting possible with minimal installation work
- Power supply via solar cell
- Energy stored using integrated rechargeable batteries
- Sensor measures:
- Brightness
- Dawn/dusk
- Wind speeds
- Wind measurement using cup anemometer
- Limit values can be set for each receiver (product) independently of each other with only one weather station
- Micro USB connection on the weather station allows the device to be charged during initial commissioning
- The weather station is commissioned using a WMS Hand-held transmitter comfort or WMS studio pro
Transmission frequency
2,4 GHz
Degree of protection
IP 43
Safety class
Type of installation
Wall installation Ceiling installation Pipe installation
0 - 100 klx
Photo sensing range
180 °
Dawn / dusk
0 - 500 lx
0 - 25 m/s
56 mm
208 mm
242 mm
Plug-in power supply unit with integrated USB socket
Storage batteries for WMS Photo sensor and Weather station eco
USB cable with USB-A to micro-B plug connector